
A Recap of our School Year

I know that you have all been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear about my curriculum decisions for next year...
But first let me recap the craziness that was the 2012-13 school year. Nikolas was starting kindergarten and Joshua was entering first grade. I really wanted to use something that I could teach them together with that wouldn't be too much for Nikolas or be boring for Joshua. After lots of prayer and HOURS of research, I chose Sonlight's Core A. I loved it, all the books, the activities, the style... The boys? Not as much. It was also very difficult to do an international move with Sonlight because of all the wonderful books. So, we didn't even finish it. It was so hard to get back into it after a 4 month break.
For math, I chose Mathematical Reasoning. I really enjoyed it and the boys have progressed well. Nikolas finished his kindergarten level book in about 4 months, so he started right into the first grade book. He is slowly catching up with Joshua. Joshua has been challenged but doesn't really like workbooks much. I recommend this math to everyone. It is so easy to use and the answer guide is in the back.
We continued with Explode the Code (Books A, B, and C for Nikolas; 1 and 2 for Joshua). They are both reading above level! Nikolas is reading through all the Bob Books, Joshua read his first "chapter" book, "Stink". His favorite books are the Mercer Mayer books. Nikolas reads much better than he lets on, he will pick up things and read them as long as nobody is looking.
We have been studying butterflies. We ordered caterpillars and did a unit study with books that we already had. It has been fun.
We've done lots of fun learning trips to museums and local spots. It has been a great year and we are still finishing up our workbooks but we'll be just on time for our move to Kazakhstan.

What a blessing it is to have the opportunity to homeschool. I love these two!

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